
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Real Stories

Real Stories

A few years ago, Discovery Channel and FARE teamed up to produce “An Emerging Epidemic: Food Allergies in America.” This hour-long documentary is narrated by well-known actor Steve Carell, whose daughter struggled with a severe dairy allergy until she participated in a successful research trial at Stanford University under the supervision of Kari Nadeau, MD, PhD. It examines what it is like living with life-threatening food allergies, how families cope with those realities and raise awareness, and research that is in the works to find a cure. You will see interviews with individuals with food allergies, their loved ones, and some of the top allergists in the field. It is a quick, but extremely moving watch. Have some tissue on standby. 

“An Emerging Epidemic: Food Allergies in America” is available to watch for FREE below or on Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/73910827



A Saucy Discovery

A Saucy Discovery

Dear Non-Allergic People...

Dear Non-Allergic People...