
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Dear Non-Allergic People...

Dear Non-Allergic People...

To my non-allergic friends, there are five things those of us with food allergies would like to share...

1. When we say we’re allergic to something, it means we’re allergic…not that we don’t like it.

2. Airborne irritations are real. It’s not in our minds.

3. If someone is allergic, that means they can’t have any. One bite could be life threatening.

4. When we ask a lot of questions about the food on a menu, it’s not because we’re being picky – it’s a necessity.

5. We’re not being rude when we don’t eat your home-cooked goodies – we just don’t know what’s in it.



Real Stories

Real Stories

Beauty Find: Aveeno

Beauty Find: Aveeno