
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The New Normal

The New Normal

You have just been diagnosed with multiple food allergies … now what? Following are five ways I adjusted to this new normal.

1.     Zoom in on food labels. You will soon become that person in the middle of the grocery aisle who is reading the labels on EVERYTHING. Accept it.

2.     Perform a purge. Clean out your pantry. Give away whatever food items are no longer options for you. You do not need any temptations, especially in the beginning. Someone will eat it … it just will not be you.

3.     Have a heart to heart. Talk to your loved ones. Make sure that they understand what is safe and absolutely unsafe. You need people in your life who are willing to learn how to adjust to your dietary needs.

4.     Phone first. Call all restaurants before going. This will save you a lot of time and energy. It will also allow the wait staff/chef to prepare for your arrival.

5.     Mix it up in the kitchen. Do more eating at home. Dining out will be a challenge — at least at first — so it might be easier to start preparing most of your own meals. Look at it like this: less dining out means more money in your wallet. 

I Said "Yes" ... to the Food

I Said "Yes" ... to the Food

5 Simple Rules…To Dating With Food Allergies

5 Simple Rules…To Dating With Food Allergies