
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

New Year, A Quick Refresher on Living with Food Allergies

  1. Suffering from a severe allergic reaction? Administer your EpiPen immediately. A delay in usage can be fatal. After you use your EpiPen, head straight to the hospital.
  2. Do you have a peanut allergy? Always ask restaurants what kind of oil they use. Most restaurants use canola oil, but peanut oil lasts longer when you’re frying foods, so it is best to confirm.
  3. In a new environment? Make sure to tell those around you about your food allergies and instruct them on how to use an EpiPen. This will help to prevent any accidents will also prepare them just in case.
  4. Taking a trip with a peanut allergy? At the time of booking your flight, notify the airline. When you arrive at the airport, discuss your allergy needs with the agent and ask to pre-board to inspect/clean your area.
  5. Got an allergen on your hands? Hand sanitizers will not remove it from your hands — they only kill germs. Use soap and water or wet wipes instead.

To learn more about food allergies and reactions, check out this Allergic Living pamphlet: http://allergicliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/18-things-you-need-to-know-ebooklet.pdf

Be Mine

A Slice of Life

A Slice of Life